We found a historical looking person - clutching tankards and glasses, he was also obviously in search of sustence, so we followed him in hope.
Here's a Saxon lurcher. If he looks a bit blurry it's because we're a bit scared of other dogs, so we had our eyes half shut, pretending that he wasn't really there. |
Here are the ones that clank, attempting to intimidate the audience with their huge pilums. No-one actually screamed or fainted though. |
They tried again, this time waving their swords at us. We stood our ground. After all, audaces fortuna invat. |
One of them fell over in his enthusiasm to attack the audience. Of course we didn't laugh. Well, not much. |
And here the lady demonstrating make-up flashed her knickers at us. So now we know what Romans wear under their togas. |
Someone called out that lunch was ready. Unfortunately, when we got there, they didn't mean us. It smelled good, too, but no-one offered to share. Maybe next time. Illegitimi non carborundum! (Of course we understand Latin. We're dogs, so naturally we understand every word you say.) |