Friday, 24 February 2012

Spring fever

Angel celebrates the onset of Spring.

Or has maybe found something stinky to roll in.

Has it really been a week since we last blogged?

It's because we've been busy getting on with important wippitt stuff.

It's been nice and warm recently, so we've been running round in the nuddy in the mornings, and catching up on our sunbathing in the afternoons. Like we said, important wippit stuff.

Must go - it's time to go catch a few rays.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Eye, eye

Recovering after a visit to the vet.

It's been a busy couple of days for us.

On Monday morning we helped rescue a Bulldog that was wandering around in the middle of the road as we were on our way home from our walk. Or at least the Madwoman rescued him while we sat in the car and barked at him, to make sure he knew she belonged to us and that he certainly wasn't coming home with us. Anyway, we don't get enough food as it is with this diet we're on, let alone enough to share it.

As she was struggling to hang onto him with one hand and read his ID discs and ring his owners with the other, a kindly dustbin man stopped and gave her a bit of rope to serve as a lead. Then he kindly read off the phone number while the Madwoman dialled it into her mobile. Turned out he'd read out the vets number instead of the owners, so a certain amount of confusion ensued as the Madwoman enquired whether they were missing a dog and could they please come and collect it. We helped by barking a bit more.

Eventually the right number was dialled and the Bulldog was duly led off. We were about to settle down for a nap when our god mother called in. The Madwoman tells us she is a Famous Person. We just call her the Godmother. Although she's quite good about dishing out the treats, so maybe we should really call her Treatswoman.

The Godmother aka Sarah Fisher

Yesterday was fairly uneventful but today when we got in from our walk the Madwman noticed that Archie was squinting a bit with his right eye. So no sooner had we got our walking kit off and were hovering expectantly near our food bowls for a bit of grub than the kit went straight back on, we were dragged away from our empty bowls and made to go to the vet.

Archie has a bit of ulceration in his eye. So some ointment for his eye, but no pointy needles thank goodness.

No extra treats either we've noticed.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Put on your red shoes!

Archie all suited, booted and ready to rock.

Well, to walk carefully.

Today Archie put on his red shoes, although there wasn't much dancing - or ball chasing come to that. There is still a lot of snow lying around and it has frozen solid, creating a surface that is really abrasive on our pads. It's like running on sandpaper - and where the top crust is broken, even worse, more like running on razor blades. Archie suffers more than Angel, so had his red rubber booties on this morning: it's still uncomfortable walking on the frozen snow, but at least it doesn't slice his feet open. Even Angel got a bit sore this morning though. Hopefully it will thaw any minute now and will all be gone by tomorrow so that normal running activities can recommence, otherwise Angel will be wearing red booties too. Although at least they will match her jumper.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

A winter wonderland!

It snowed last night!

Those birds are messy eaters.

Angel tidies up after them.

When you're on a diet, even bird food tastes good.

The Madwoman doesn't realise that in this weather you burn more calories and therefore need more food.

She continues to stick to the diet.

Here we are, reduced to begging piteously for scraps at Grandma's door.

On the trail of a Woozle! Roast Woozle .... mmmm ...

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Lean times

Starving, we are, starving. What's in this bag then? Anything to eat?

We were carted off to the vet on Monday for our annual check up and to get some wormers. We were not thrilled, although at least there were no pointy needles involved. Angel got some tasty chewable wormers, but Archie doesn't like his at all: he has mastered the art of sucking off the cheese or sausage they are hidden in and spitting out the tablet. Of course although they don't taste good, this does have the advantage that the tablet has to be inserted into yet another tasty treat intended to disguise it, and so on, until the tablet eventually disappears ... It's a good game although not one that the Madwoman appears to enjoy. The extra calories are gratefully received though, as the bad news from the vet was that we are both a trifle overweight. Consequently we are now on diets and being encouraged to participate in all sorts of calorie burning games. Please send emergency food parcels as soon as possible - in a discreet brown wrapper of course, so the Madwoman doesn't guess ...