We furthered our education at the Open Air Museum again today:
Sharpe's Rifles this time.
The Madwoman kept us away from them while they were doing the noisy stuff with the guns. We're not bothered about bangs and fireworks and stuff, but the Madwoman said she'd like to keep it that way, so we humoured her.
Even at a distance it all looked very impressive. The trumpeter sounded very professional too and stirred our blood. We managed to contain our inner dogs of war and didn't join in with a group howl, although it was tempting.
Angel did find a nice muddy patch though, and took full advantage of the Madwoman's distraction to get down and dirty wippitt-style.
Her raincoat (yes, it's still pouring with rain here) is now brown and she has matching muddy eyebrows and ears too.
The Madwoman says we should add a link to the Open Air Museum in case you want to visit too. Sharpe's Rifles are there all weekend, and there's other stuff happening on other weekends.
So here it is: