Saturday, 9 November 2013


We are rather excited.
We have been immortalised by clever and talented artist person Jane Miller Robinson!
The picture was then auctioned in a charity auction by iheartwhippets and
raised lots of money - a whopping £240!
Naturally, if you want the real thing, according to the Madwoman,
our price is beyond rubies, and there's no point in  even bothering to enquire ...
The total amount of money raised by the auction was a fabulous £4,562 which has been distributed between three very deserving charities close to our own hearts -
So thank you Jane! And iheartwhippets  and of course, all the people who made such generous bids to help support such good causes.
The Madwoman was very smitten by the picture and did bid for it.
Unfortunately her hand got stuck in her pocket just before bidding ended.
But we still love the picture and hope that whoever won it loves it just as much!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's gorgeous, maybe you could persuade the person who bought it to let you photograph it. A good framed digital camera image will be almost as good.