Wednesday 27 April 2016

Now you see it ...

The Madwoman is constantly
hiding our toys while we are out on walks.
We then have to spend a lot of time hunting through tufty patches of grass
if we want to be reunited with them.
We're pretty good at the search-and-rescue on the whole ...

Found my ball!
Found Bunny!

But we thought it was time to teach the Madwoman just how annoying
this habit of hiding our stuff is.
So today, instead of waiting for her to hide our toys, we hid them ourselves instead.
Yeah, Bunny and Mr. Squeaky Ball are in there somewhere.
Find them? Us? Well, we're a bit busy right now.
We suggest you get your nose down and start sniffing ...


Joan Lennon said...

If rescue depends on human noses, Bunny and Mr Squeaky Ball are in big, big trouble!

Susan Price said...

Oh - it takes me back...

madwippitt said...

Bunny and Mr Squeaky Ball are now safely restored to their owners ... just in case anyone was worrying ...